How You Can Help!

Your gift to Cheers to Charity will directly benefit our 2025 Featured Charity.  

Click the button below to make your donation.

In The News

January 12, 2024– The Winchester Star ran a featured article about Cheers to Charity and the donation given to our 2023 Featured Charity – WATTS
Read the Article – “Cheers to Charity raises a glass and lots of cash for WATTS”

Our Team

A group of dedicated volunteers that love and deeply care about this community.  We know small nonprofits struggle financially and we want to help!  With years of experience in hosting fundraising events, our goal is to lead this community to learn about and support your cause! 

Join our team,
Sign up to volunteer!

Our History

For more than a decade, our team volunteered and raised money for local charities through events.   Now this group has formed Cheers! to Charity, a 501(c)3 non-profit, to continue raising awareness and funding to give back to our community!

Our Mission

To support local charities by volunteering, hosting events, and raising awareness for the greater good of the community.  We WILL make a difference… because giving feels GOOD!